简介:The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.
飘零影院为广大提供的阿亚潘和柯西(英语版)电影是一部上映于2020年的剧情片,在印度上映后获得了电影迷的一致好评,其中主演Bijon,Menon,普利特维拉吉·苏库玛兰,Renjith,Anil,Nedumangad,Gauri,Nanda,Anu,Mohan等人也有不孰的表现,阿亚潘和柯西(英语版)剧情讲述了The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.